Silverleaf Oak

Quercus hypoleucoides

The native range of Quercus hypoleucoides extends from New Mexico nearly 1,000 miles to the south in central Mexico. Q. hypoleucoides can be found on the Sky Islands of Arizona, for instance, at elevations ranging from 4,500 feet to 9,000 feet, giving it the widest range of elevational adaptation of any of the Southwestern US oaks. The elevation range occupied by Q. hypoleucoides translates into nearly a doubling in yearly rainfall from the lowest elevation to the highest.

This kind of geographical range of adaptation is again suggestive that Q. hypoleucoides has a wide range of adaptation, and is a good candidate for climate change adaptive migration. This observation finds evidence in the successful establishment of a lovely Q. hypoleucoides at Hoyt Arboretum in Portland, where it has been growing for several decades. The tree has performed so successfully that the Arboretum has been suggesting this lovely evergreen oak for much wider planting in the Portland area, and beyond.

Q. hypoleucoides nursery grown in southern California performed reasonably, and from reports the trees have continued to grow at a consistent and moderate pace at Apple Park. Within a realistic time frame, Q. hypoleucoides can be expected to grow into a small to medium sized oak, with good drought tolerance in addition to some tolerance for summer irrigation/monsoonal rainfall. Acorns are tiny, minimizing maintenance even if acorns crops occur.

Given that Q. hypoleucoides is a highly ornamental small evergreen with good environmental tolerance, and it may find a place in the California landscape as an always-needed screening tree. This is how the tree often grows in habitat, where they proliferate along forest roads, and their size has been controlled by a mixture of fire and pruning.

No powdery mildew has been noted on any Q. hypoleucoides, which means a tentative recommendation can be given for trial use in foggy coastal zones. Good to excellent soil drainage is almost certainly a must for this oak. The best growth of nursery trees in California has been using an unusually coarse planting medium.

Learn More:

  • SelecTree

    Silverleaf Oak basics…

  • Oaks of the World

    A more scientific look into the Quercus hypoleuc…

  • iNaturalist

    See and learn about the tree in the wild…


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