Welcome to one of the largest tree planting projects Dave Muffly has worked on as a Senior Arborist
Apple Park’s Tree Whisperer Article
AT FIRST GLANCE, it might have seemed an unusual meeting between Steve Jobs and David Muffly. Jobs was a world-renowned technologist billionaire, and Muffly an itinerant arborist whose passion was the soil. But if you transposed the timelines of their lives, you could locate a point of intersection.
A look at Apple’s insanely ambitious tree-planting plans for it’s new spaceship campus
While construction crews work furiously to finish Apple’s mammoth new headquarters in Cupertino this year, another critical piece of the campus’ design is taking shape 100 miles to the east.
In a cluster of East Bay nurseries, Apple has been growing more than 4,600 trees, which are nestled in large, wooden boxes. Some time later this year, Apple’s team of arborists will start shipping these trees two or three at time to Cupertino, where they will be painstakingly planted as part of the broader landscaping plan…
Learn more about Apple Park’s architecture and urban tree forest that Dave Muffly planted.
Inside the $5 Billion Apple Headquarters
Looking for the intersection of trees and tech? How about the private garden at Apple Park? Here's a great photo essay from Cult of Mac showing the Apple WWDC from last week.
Apple Park Tree List
This list is visible from the perimeter
Tree Key:
CA = California Native
MED = Mediterranean Native
SW = Southwestern United States
MEX = Mexico
AUS = Australia
US = Eastern/Southern United States
HYB = Hybrid oak of garden origin
Q. agrifolia (CA) (Coast Live Oak)
Q. agrifolia x kelloggii (CA) (Coastal Oracle Oak)
Q. calliprinos (MED) (Levantine Live Oak)
Q. canbyi (MEX) (Mexican Red Oak)
Q. canbyi x buckleyi (HYB) (Tex-Mex Red Oak)
Q. castaneifolia (MED) (Chestnut Leaf Oak)
Q. castaneifolia x macrocarpa (HYB)
Q. cerris ‘Shields’ (MED) (Turkey Oak)
Q. engelmannii (CA) (Mesa Oak)
Q. engelmannii x castaneifolia (HYB) (Shield’s Mesa Oak)
Q. engelmannii x macrocarpa (HYB) (Mesabur Oak)
Q. engelmannii x muehlenbergii (HYB) (Mesachink Oak)
Q. frainetto ‘Forest Green’ (MED) (‘Forest Green’ Hungarian Oak)
Q. fusiformis x virginiana (SW) (Escarpment Oak)
Q. gambelii x macrocarpa x rugosa (SW) (Mt. Lemmon White Oak)
Q. gravesii (SW) (Chisos Red Oak)
Q. hypoleucoides (SW) (Silverleaf Oak)
Q. infectoria ssp. veneris (MED) (Aleppo Oak)
Q. ithaburensis (MED) (Mt. Tabor Oak)
Q. laceyi (SW) (Lacey Oak)
Q. lobata (CA) (Valley Oak)
Q. lobata x macrocarpa (HYB) (Western White Oak)
Q. macrocarpa (US) (Bur Oak)
Q. macrocarpa x lobata (HYB) (Western White Oak)
Q. mexicana (MEX) (Mexican Live Oak)
Q. muehlenbergii var. brayi (SW) (Chinkapin Oak)
Q. oblongifolia (SW) (Mexican Blue Oak)
Q. rugosa (southern tree form) (MEX) (Netleaf Oak)
Q. rugosa (northern shrub form) (SW) Netleaf Oak)
Q. rotundifolia (MED) (Ballota Oak)
Q. sartorii (MEX) (Sartor’s Oak)
Q. shumardii (SW) (Shumard Oak)
Q. suber (MED) (Cork Oak)
Q. tomentella (CA) (Island Oak)
Q. trojana (MED) (Trojan Oak)
Q. virginiana 'Skyclimber' (US) (Southern Live Oak)
Q. virginiana ‘Cathedral’ (US) (‘Cathedral Southern Live Oak)
Q. x comptoniae (US) (Compton’s Oak)
Abies pinsapo ‘Blue Spanish’ (MED) (Blue Spanish Fir)
Cedrus atlantica (MED) (Atlas Cedar)
Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Fastigata’ (MED) (Columnar Blue Atlas Cedar)
Cedrus deodara (MED) (Deodar Cedar)
Pinus eldarica (MED) (Afghan Pine)
Pinus halepensis (MED) (Aleppo Pine)
Pinus halepensis x eldarica (MED) (Aleppo/Afghan Pine hybrid)
Pinus torreyana (CA) (Torrey Pine)
Aesculus californica (CA) (California Buckeye)
Arbutus x ‘Marina’ (HYB) (Marina Madrone)
Arbutus unedo (MED) (Strawberry Tree)
Eucalyptus citriodora (AUS) (Lemon-Scented Gum)
Juglans californica (CA) (Southern California Black Walnut)
Juglans hindsii (CA) (Northern California Black Walnut)
Juglans nigra (US) (Black Walnut
Parrotia persica (MED) (Persian Ironwood)
Parrotia persica ‘Pendula’ (MED) (Weeping Persian Ironwood)
Parrotia persica ‘Vanessa’ (MED) (Vanessa Persian Ironwood)
Prunus mexicana (MEX) (Mexican Plum)
Looking for the intersection of trees and tech? How about the private garden at Apple Park? Here's a great photo essay from Cult of Mac showing the Apple WWDC from last week.